Liina Länsiluoto Art
”All my worst fears and barriers
within myself.
What happens, if I cross the line?”
This is the question where my artistic path begins. As an artist I paint, write poetry and combine different forms of art. This blog documents my path.
My aim is to do art following my intuition not to be limited by my own or other people´s beliefs or fears.
My path
Painting has been my language since I was a child. As an artist I got my technical skills of the art education that I got in my youth at the Art School in my home town Grankulla.
However, life got on the way for over 15 years. It took a severe life crisis before I found art again. My brother committed suicide three years ago and in the wave of that huge sorrow I started exploring my life values again. I started painting again and found my long lost language.
Nowadays my day job is as a Communications Director, and the rest of my time I devote to art and my little boys.
My art
In my art could be depicted abstract art, focusing on colours and how they reflect emotions. I love painting abstract landscapes, places that are important to our path as humans. But I explore also the human figure and the various emotions that are a part of humanity and motherhood.
Instagram and Facebook:
@liinaonerva (my path, poems and paintings)
@liinalansiluotoart (pure art)
Exhibitions and publications
Around 40 commission paintings
Six exhibitions with the ARtQueen Rebecca Salomonsson
Lund, Helsingborg, Halmstad, Malmö, Kristianstad 2020–2022
Suru ei kuulu leikkipuistoon – The Sorrow has no place on this playground
Poetry book, Basam Books 2020
Group exhibition Elämän monet kerrostumat – The many aspects of Life
Galleria Fogga, Helsinki January 2021
Group exhibition Kahdeksan vinkkeliä – Eight perspectives,
Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki January 2020
Exhibition Leivinpaperikuvia Kalliosta – Baking paper images from Kallio,
Gastro Cafe Kallio, Helsinki December 2019 – January 2019
Commission art work
Lately I have been painting mostly commission art work. Some examples can be found below.
I would love to paint for you!
Interested in buying my art or ordering something?
Contact me:
The process of ordering a commission art work is simple:
1) Tell me your wishes of the colours, style and size of the painting.
2) We agree upon the timetable, price and whether you wish to have images of the process.
3) You will receive photos of the painting and decide if you wish to take it.
4) I will ship you the painting after the payment.
Lovely to have you here!
Liina 🧡